Citation - Norwich Packet: 1779.05.11

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Index Entry Lyric, moral [beg] Scene is hastning ('tis a solemn day), The 
Location Norwich 
11 May 1779:41 (6/292)
Mr. Printer, Be pleased to give these following lines a
place in your next publication.
"Heaven gives us friends to bless the present scene,
"Resumes them to prepare us for the next."
[signed] Young.
  The scene is hastning ('tis a solemn day)
  When we shall eave these vehicles of clay,
  And quit this world of disappointment here;
  Then all shall know where friendship's been sincere.
. . .[45 more lines] To be continued.

Generic Title Norwich Packet 
Date 1779.05.11 
Publisher Trumbull, John 
City, State Norwich, CT 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0033160
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